Miyerkules, Enero 31, 2018

Reflection (Collaboration of ICT Development)

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has a dual role in our information 
society. On the one hand, ICT is assumed to cause partly unpredictable changes in our
future information society and in its educational contexts in particular. 

I've learned to this collaboration of ICT development is that it gives the user to access in different sources and places that is just in one location in a uniform way. There are some examples of this collaboration, one of these examples are the Google Drive and Microsoft Office Online. This are to allow the multiple people to work on different office files and even have their own group's cloud storage. And even Facebook Groups Facebook groups is used to create a group page that will also allow people in your group communicate your ideas.  By these things, we can save our precoius time and we can also do a many things with the help of the collaboration. I think Facebookwould not be that interesting if it were not all of your friends are there, because the more you friends you have the more content you get. 

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